To qualify for federal financial aid, the law requires that certificate programs at non-profit and public institutions prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.

The Department of Labor classification of instructional programs (CIP) code for Perfusion Education Programs is: 51.0906 - Perfusion Technology/ Perfusionist.

The Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code assigned to this profession is grouped under a general classification with other health care workers: 29-9099 Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Workers, All Other.

Information about program costs and financial aid

Program Graduation and Placement Statistics

Class entry - graduation2014 - 20162015 - 20172016 - 2018 2017 - 2019 2018 - 2020 2019 - 20212020 - 20222021 - 20232022 - 2024
Number admitted444554555
Number graduated444554555
Board certified in one year44455455TBD
Gainful employment as a perfusionist in one year444554555


Program Cost Disclosure

Program Title

University of Iowa undergraduate certificate in perfusion


Program Length

21 months


Students graduating on time

Figure not available. Because there are fewer than 10 students enrolled in the program, this number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of students.


Program Costs

  • $24,350* for in-state tuition and fees
  • $79,258* for out-of-state tuition and fees
  • $3,000* for books and supplies
  • $16,724* for off-campus room and board

View University of Iowa Office of Student Financial Aid resources for more program cost information.

*These figures include costs for the entire program, assuming normal time to completion. This information is subject to change.

Number of Students Borrowing Money

Figure not available. Because there are fewer than 10 students enrolled in the program, this number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of students.


Debt the Typical Graduate Compiles by Graduation

Figure not available. Because there are fewer than 10 students enrolled in the program, this number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of students.


The Typical Monthly Loan Payment

Figure not available. Because there are fewer than 10 students enrolled in the program, this number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of students.


Typical Annual Earning for Program Graduate Working in This Field

$107,000 - $192,000